Quick Takes: Karen’s Best Running Advice & More

February 27, 2023

It takes a certain kind of person to work on dozens of media plans a year, stay on top of optimizations for every single one, synthesize the results to report back to our clients, oh and then feel like running a marathon on any given weekend—all without ever showing a hint of stress.

That’s Karen Dolge, CCA’s Director of Media Planning & Buying.

One of the nicest, calmest people you’ll ever come across, Karen has been with CCA for 10+ years and we can’t get enough of her.

Meet Karen.

Your college & major: 
SUNY Oswego, BA in Broadcasting/Mass Communications

What you love about working in higher ed: 
Helping students to find the best fit school for them and making the connection to their education and future.

One of the most memorable media campaigns you’ve worked on:
I would say St. John’s University. I loved working on this campaign because it was truly an integrated media mix of traditional and non-traditional media, across various audiences, including influencers, prospective students / families, as well as Catholic and Hispanic audiences. It was very rewarding to see the results through the elevated website visits.

Some clients you’ve worked with before CCA:
I Love New York / NY Tourism, Applebee’s, Honda, Ford, Sprint, AT&T, Community Bank, Fidelis Care

Favorite part of the media buying & planning process:
The research and mathematics. I love the research that goes into selecting the most impactful media mix, building personas to make sure we are reaching our target audience, and working with the budget, negotiating the best rates and added value to get the most bang for our buck.

Advice you’d give job-seeking college grads:
Keep an open mind. You may be lucky enough to find a job in your major, but may learn about other opportunities within that major. I thought I wanted to be a news anchor. The next Katie Couric. I was lucky enough to get a job right out of college working as a news reporter at a radio station, where I also learned about the advertising side of the house. I moved into the national sales department, working with advertising agencies, and eventually moved over to working at an advertising agency where I fell in love with media.

Advice you’d give people who want to run more: 
Don’t give up! You will have good days and you will have bad days, but I promise you, once you start and get comfortable with running and feel good inside and out, you won’t ever want to stop. The feeling I get while running is indescribable. I can’t imagine not running and sooo want to share that feeling with others. Now, who wants to go for a run? 🙂

Favorite restaurant in the Capital Region:
I love to eat, so this is a tough question. My initial thought is Dinosaur BBQ. It takes me back to my roots. (We would frequently visit the Syracuse location when I worked out that way.) But I also love Toro Cantina and the sushi at Sake. Oh, and of course, I Love Pizza of Troy. The best!

Latest TV series obsession: 
Ted Lasso, I’ve watched each episode 2-3 times. It always makes me laugh, sometimes cry, but I always feel good after each episode. I can’t wait for the next season! Favorite quote from Ted Lasso: “You say impossible, but all I hear is ‘I’m possible.’”

How would you describe the CCA team:
A bunch of loving, wonderful, talented people that truly care deeply about what we do!

How the CCA team would describe you:
I would like to think they would say the same. Or, maybe something like quiet but fierce. 

Fun fact about you:
Many of my coworkers know, but I have a running addiction. I have run over 30 marathons. But, some may not know, for both of my pregnancies, I ran up until the day I gave birth. Yes, both babies were just fine. 🙂


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