Quick Takes: The Coolest Media Campaign Darcy’s Worked On & More

June 15, 2021

CCA truly wouldn’t be where it is today without our Executive Vice President, Darcy Sokolewicz.

Before joining the CCA team, Darcy worked at the top two advertising agencies in Boston—Mullen and Arnold—where her clients included Volkswagen, L.L. Bean, and Goodyear, among MANY others. At CCA, she’s our media mastermind with a head full of ideas, historical knowledge, and predictions for the media industry. And as our EVP, she is a mentor, encourager of professional growth, and all-around awesome person to be around.

Learn more about Darcy through her Quick Takes:

Your college & major:
SUNY New Paltz, Communication & Media, with a concentration in Organizational Communication

How many years doing what you do:

What you love most about working remotely:
Having more time since I am not commuting to and from work.

What you miss most about being at the office:
The team!

Biggest media-related pet peeve:
The quality of outdoor ride sheets! I have been working in media for over 20 years and in that time the quality of outdoor ride sheets has not improved at all. You would think billboard companies would invest in better equipment to showcase their boards.

Coolest media campaign you’ve worked on:
The coolest media placements I’ve helped place and negotiate would have to be while I was on the VW media team during the “Drivers Wanted” campaign. During my five years on the account, we did so many cool things—from running ads during the Olympics and the Super Bowl to running ad units in Rolling Stone, Wired, and The New Yorker that the media team concepted with the publishers. I also led the negotiations with both Conde Nast and Time Inc. on incredible sponsorships of the Teva Mountain Games in Aspen, Colorado, and the New Yorker Festival in New York City.

Your favorite thing to share with clients:
Metrics and data! What is working and what is not.

Most surprising metrics you’ve ever come across:
The latest would have to be the parent segment outperforming the prospective student segment on a Snapchat campaign we were running for one of our clients.

Advice or lessons you always give your team:
It’s not as much about what you are saying, as it is about how you say it. BE CONFIDENT, BE PASSIONATE, YOU GOT THIS!

Best part about working in higher ed:
Knowing that you are a part of a team that is trying to help a high school student choose their path for the next four years or a grad student looking to find the right degree or program to advance in their career. That, to me, is so rewarding!

Favorite restaurant(s) in the Capital Region:
15 Church

Latest TV show obsession:
Handmaid’s Tale is back!

One word to describe the CCA team:

Email Darcy


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