We’re Winning in Digital

January 14, 2017

Last month, CCA picked up nine more Education Digital Marketing Awards—a competition run by Higher Education Marketing Report that recognizes the best educational websites, digital content, electronic communications, mobile media and social media.

Here’s a rundown of what won:

BRONZE: Iona College – “We see the world differently…” Video Spot

GOLD: LIM College – Transfer Infographic

GOLD: LIM College – MPS eBook

GOLD: Lycoming College – “A Greater Lycoming” Campaign Microsite

GOLD: Siena College – “From High School to College” Infographic

MERIT: St Mary’s College of Maryland – Enrollment Spot

SILVER: Ursinus College – “Keep the Promise” Microsite

SILVER: Ursinus College – Brand Video

MERIT: Wesley College – Admissions Microsite


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